Who are we?


Why not join the FTPE to secure my future!

That's the simple action I'd advise you to take - and you won't regret it! These days, belonging to a "Network" or social network, especially in the world of entrepreneurship, is crucial.

Whether online or face-to-face, the network is now your strength and must be judiciously integrated into your company's strategy. So why not join FTPE Entrepreneurs?

Since our creation, we, the members of the FTPE, have set ourselves the goal of promoting and stimulating a dynamic in our magnificent territories of St-Martin and St-Barthélemy, initially in partnership with our sister islands of Guadeloupe, Marie-Galante and Les Saintes.

And all together, thanks to our joint actions, our ambition will certainly take us far beyond our territories. It's with this in mind that we regularly develop activities and events such as information breakfasts, company discovery workshops and meetings with local authorities, with the aim of enabling all our members to get to know each other better, but also to gain a better understanding of the current market and the key players to contact depending on their project or situation.

However, as any association can only live on commitments and ideas, we sincerely hope that all these meetings, and any partnerships that may arise from them, will remain as convivial as possible, so as to forge strong, long-term links between all our members, and between our association and key players.

In this way, we can continue to build an economic fabric in our islands that is focused on the future and the development of our businesses, your businesses! If you share our values and projects, then join us to continue contributing to the growth of our region! We look forward to hearing from you!

Jeanne Rogers-Vanterpool


Did you know that our federation was created in May 2014? Since then, our mission has been to offer each of our members a wide choice of support for the development of their business. Together with our members, we strive to ensure sustainable business growth and create an environment in which entrepreneurship is encouraged as part of the economic development of our islands. In this way, the FTPE contributes in its own way to the prosperity and general well-being of St Barthelemy, St Martin and the other partner islands.


To perform our tasks to the best of our ability and serve our members efficiently, we have a small team of experienced, competent and above all dedicated staff. We make it a point of honor to offer you excellent support, and to do so, we rigorously follow the latest trends in the economic fabric and give priority to prospects that will enable our members' businesses to evolve and become part of a community - the FTPE community.

Our Board of Directors

The FTPE's Board of Directors is responsible for setting the association's strategic direction, in line with its missions and values.

To this end, each year it adopts the draft budget presented by the members of the Executive Committee, and draws up and amends if necessary the by-laws and agreements binding the association.

Meeting generally /1 time per month, it also prepares the work of the Annual General Meeting.


Jeanne Rogers-Vanterpool


Gilles Petit


Ida Zin-Ka-Ieu


Leyla Fazer


Bulent Gulay

Assistant Secretary

Jeane Edwards


Bernice Richardson

Assistant Treasurer

Claudine Joseph


Julien Gumbs
Join us

Ready to expand your business?

If you're looking for support, want to develop your network, increase your visibility and boost your performance, don't hesitate! Come and join us!

Join the FTPE