Our offer


The FTPE aims to be a real meeting place for entrepreneurs.

As a result, our association focuses on five key areas:

Promoting synergy between members

Enhance local and inter-island business dynamics, increase involvement in local development policy.

Promoting convivial spaces

Enable small business managers to discuss a range of topics without fear.

Developing a network of local entrepreneurs

Encourage partnerships between small businesses to optimize their strategy.

Thinking together

Collaborate and make proposals to local and regional authorities to share the concerns of our small business members.

Propose development initiatives to members

Training courses, conferences and debates, open tables, company visits, communication actions, audits, not forgetting the organization of fun events.

Join us

Ready to expand your business?

If you're looking for support, want to develop your network, increase your visibility and boost your performance, don't hesitate! Come and join us!

Join the FTPE